Guidelines and what to expect for reconvening:
Beginning Sunday, July 5, WHCC will reconvene live worship services for all who would like to join us! However, there will be a number of procedural changes that will require your cooperation to participate for the well being of one another.

- At this time, only the Sunday morning worship assembly will be reconvened. The Latino congregation and Christ’s Church of the Deaf may also meet in their designated worship areas.
- Worship service will begin at 10:45 a.m. and will be slightly shorter than the normal Sunday morning worship time.
- Bible classes and life groups cannot meet on Sunday mornings in the church building. However, they can meet in the building at other arranged times of the week. Please see the attached guidelines for small groups.
- Children’s ministry and nursery will not be available at this time. Therefore, families who attend the Sunday morning worship service must sit together in the worship center. Children must not leave the worship center except to use the restroom.
- There will be a limited number of tables in the rear of the worship center. These tables are reserved for families with children only.
- Activity pages will be provided for children, but no crayons or pencils will be provided. Families should come to the worship center equipped with these supplies.
- The only available entrances and exits will be the main lobby doors and the doors leading into the rear of the building from the lower parking lot.
- The elevator and stairs will also be available to those entering the building from the lower parking lot. The elevator will be limited to 3 people unless a family is riding together.
- Anyone who needs to use the restroom must use the one closest to the area where they are worshipping. For example, those in the worship center should use the bathrooms in the hallway just outside the worship center. Restrooms will be limited to three people at a time. Please honor the restroom monitors.
- Access to all other areas of the WHCC building besides the worship areas and restrooms will be restricted on Sunday mornings. Classrooms, kitchens, the fellowship hall, the youth area—all of these areas will continue to be closed on Sunday mornings until further notice.
- Hand sanitizer will be located at the entrances and throughout the building. Please use hand sanitizer when you enter, and we recommend you do the same as you leave. The building will be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis.
- Social distancing guidelines must be maintained by all in attendance. Refrain from hugs, handshakes, and close contact for the time being. Masks are recommended but not required. If you do not have a facemask, we will attempt to provide one for you.
- To maintain social distancing, worship seating will be spread out. Every other row will be blocked from use. Families or households can sit together in a row. However, those not of the same household or family must maintain a minimum distance of six feet from each other. We should have plenty of room to accommodate everyone while maintaining social distancing. We are reducing the number of songs sung to reduce the risk of spreading airborne viruses.
- Communion and offering will be conducted a bit differently. We will continue to use communion stations, but we will provide individual, pre-packaged communion containers spread out on tables. Pick up a communion container as you enter the worship center and take it with you to your seat. The wafer is packaged in the top seal and then the grape juice in the cup below. You will take communion where you are seated at the designated time. Empty communion containers can be disposed of in the containers provided. We will not pass offering trays. Instead, offerings can be given online as usual or deposited when you exit in the offering boxes at the worship center doors.
- You are welcome to bring your own cup of coffee. To reduce risk, we will not be serving coffee in the lobby as usual, and the Panera bread will not be available. Please dispose of your disposable coffee cups in the receptacles provided before you leave.
- To reduce hallway congestion at the conclusion of the service, sections will be dismissed one at a time, so please wait patiently until it is your turn. When your section is dismissed, you must make an expedient departure from the building. If you wish to converse with others after the service, you must take your conversations outside the building and away from the exits.
- Consideration of others is a key. If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, or a cough, you must not attend in-person worship services. Remember, some of our members are more vulnerable and at greater risk to contracting the virus. We need to continue practicing neighbor love by helping to keep one another safe! Online services will continue to be available for those unable to worship in person.
- If you do not feel comfortable attending yet, we understand! We will continue to post the sermons online through our website at for your virtual participation. No one should feel compelled to come or feel left out. You are still a vital part of our fellowship, and we look forward to worshiping with you live as soon as you are ready.
- Though we are taking these precautions, the Western Hills Church of Christ cannot guarantee that you will not contract COVID-19 while attending in-person worship services. Therefore, anyone who attends these services is attending at their own risk.
- Most of these adaptations are temporary. We have not set a timeline for adjustments. We will make changes as circumstances allow or require. Thanks for your flexibility. It will be wonderful to be together again! Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us. If you have questions about these plans, please contact Dan Lang or one of the elders.
Small Group Protocols
Life Groups, Adult Bible Fellowships, Bible studies, service groups, ministry meetings, and other small fellowships may meet at the church building following the guidelines below:
- Groups must schedule their meeting with Zach in the church office. He will determine availability for time, date, and location within the building depending on size and needs of the group. The building is cleaned and sanitized on a regular weekly schedule by our custodian.
- Social distancing applies. Participants should keep 6 feet from one another. Please refrain from handshakes, hugs, and physical contact. If someone is not feeling well, such as cough, sore throat, or fever, he/she must not participate. For now, facemasks are recommended but not required.
- Groups are responsible to sanitize the area of their meeting. Surfaces such as tables, chairs, doorknobs, and sinks must be wiped down before leaving. A spray bottle and wipes will be made available in your meeting space.
- Groups must stay confined to the assigned meeting space and the nearest bathrooms, either next to the worship center or the fellowship hall.
Thank you for your kind cooperation. Questions can be directed to Dan Lang, Zach Brower, or an elder.