Who We Are

Our Message, Strategy, Beliefs, Roots, and Church Family.


Our Message

Western Hills Church of Christ strives to provide people a foundation of hope and enable them to build their lives in Christ.

Our Strategy

We seek to build one another up to maturity in Christ, connecting in meaningful relationships in Christ, and going into the world to share the hope of Christ through engaging our diverse neighbors and supporting global missionary partners.


Our Beliefs

Our beliefs and practices are derived from the Bible, God’s authoritative Word.  We believe in the one God, Creator and Lord of all. We believe that salvation is only through God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and was raised demonstrating His Lordship.  Salvation comes by grace through faith when one is baptized into Christ.  Christ, as the Holy Spirit, lives in His followers to empower their lives.  The church is the community of Christ-followers serving the mission of Christ.  For further details about our faith click here.

Our Roots

We are an independent church not connected with a denomination. We simply wear the name of Christ as our identity and follow the patterns and principles of the New Testament church to the best of our ability. We are part of a movement of like-minded churches to restore New Testament Christianity, following the Bible as our sole authority, and seeking to spread the message of Christ throughout the world.  We are a branch of the very first Christian church in downtown Cincinnati, the Sycamore Street Christian Church of 1842.  Gradually the church expanded westward up Price Hill and met as Western Hills Church of Christ on Warsaw Avenue in 1927 and later at Prout’s Corner on Glenway Avenue. In 1945 land was purchased in Covedale on Sidney Road and was developed into our current campus in 1984.  We have raised up hundreds of Christian leaders who are serving Christ’s mission around the world.  We continue to adapt to our changing community to bring hope and life to our neighbors and people everywhere.


Our Church Family

We are taking the good news of Jesus to diverse cultures while maintaining unity as one church family. We believe Jesus is for everybody regardless of age, language, ethnicity, ability, economy, or background. Together we are purposefully developing missions and ministries to connect with a variety of people both locally and around the world. Each Sunday we offer three different worship services in three different languages. We welcome everyone to get connected in meaningful relationships by worshiping together, studying the Bible together, and serving side by side.  We would love to get to know you better and help you establish lifetime friendships in the Lord.