7. Look Up for Equilibrium

Select “PDF” to follow along with the sermon notes.

To save the sermon, select the three dots near the speaker icon and hit “download”.

Sermon by Dan Lang, May 27, 2018

5. Look Beside for Equilibrium

Select “PDF” to follow along with the sermon notes.

To save the sermon, select the three dots near the speaker icon and hit “download”.

Sermon by Dan Lang, May 6, 2018

4. Reconciliation

Select “PDF” to follow along with the sermon notes.

To save the sermon, select the three dots near the speaker icon and hit “download”.

Sermon by Dan Lang, April 29, 2018

2. Integrity for Equilibrium

Select “PDF” to follow along with the sermon notes.

To save the sermon, select the three dots near the speaker icon and hit “download”.

Sermon by Dan Lang, April 15, 2018

1. Getting Oriented With Equilibrium

Because of the large file size, this sermon is available at the following link:
